
Die Flowgrade Show mit Max Gotzler

Willkommen zur Flowgrade Show mit Max Gotzler, dem Epizentrum der Biohacking- und Flow-Revolution im deutschsprachigen Raum. Stell dir vor, du stehst an der Schnittstelle zwischen jahrtausendealter Weisheit und der Spitze moderner Wissenschaft. Genau das ist der Ort, an den ich dich einladen will. Aber ich bin nicht nur der Gastgeber; ich bin auch ein leidenschaftlicher Anwender und Entdecker, ständig auf der Suche nach dem nächsten Level der menschlichen Erfahrung. Meine Gästeliste spiegelt die thematische Vielfalt in voller Bandbreite wider: Von Energie-Ikonen wie dem "Iceman" Wim Hof bis zu Biohacking-Pionieren wie Dave Asprey und Ben Greenfield, ergänzt durch zeitgenössische Denker wie Ryan Holiday und Derek Sivers. Selbstverständlich sind auch deutsche Größen der persönlichen Entwicklung vertreten – etwa Laura Malina Seiler, Christian Bischoff, Dirk Kreuter und Veit Lindau – die ihren individuellen Touch und tiefgehende Einblicke in die Welt der Selbstoptimierung beisteuern. Mit der Flowgrade Show bekommst du ein mächtiges Doppelpack an neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen mit praktischen Lebensstrategien. Was daraus entsteht, ist mehr als nur ein Podcast. Es ist ein dynamisches, pulsierendes Ökosystem für persönliches Wachstum und Transformation. Von mentaler Klarheit und körperlicher Vitalität bis hin zur Meisterung von Stress und Beziehungsdynamiken, wir lassen kein Thema unberührt. Die Flowgrade Show steht daher nicht nur für Entertainment; sie ist ein Katalysator für deine persönliche Transformation. Also, wenn du bereit bist, deine Grenzen zu sprengen und das menschliche Potenzial voll auszuschöpfen, dann bist du hier genau richtig. Höre rein, finde deinen Flow und setze einen neuen Standard für das, was im Leben möglich ist! Go for Flow.
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Die Flowgrade Show mit Max Gotzler










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Now displaying: 2016
Dec 22, 2016

Train your brain to think in images. - Grandmaster of Memory Mattias Ribbing

“Max, take the newspaper and tell me a page number." Mattias looks at me with a broad grin, like a magician before his best trick. I told him a number and he began reciting the content on the entire page, the headlines, the details in the text, even the names of the photographers mentioned below the photos in fine print.

Mattias noticed that I was very much blown away and enticed me: “This is no witchcraft, Max. Everyone can learn this and now I'll teach you how…”

Mattias Ribbing is a bestselling Swedish book author, beloved speaker at a multitude of events, a great musician and an acclaimed Grandmaster of Memory. More than that, he is considered one of the best memories and brightest minds in the world.

Mattias and I spoke already several times at the same event including the Bulletproof Biohacking Conference in Los Angeles and the Biohacker Summit in London but we really got to know each other when we randomly sat next to each other on a flight from London to Austin, Texas, to attend the Paleo f(x) Conference (you know you're having a connection when the passenger row in front of you starts complaining to the flight attendants).

In this very inspiring episode, Mattias and I discuss the advantages of the ketogenic diet before competitions, why he is excited about living in the countryside, what the term Biohacking means to him and how our memory really works. He also shares a powerful visualization technique that everybody can use in order to boost memory while reading anything.

The video of this episode is a bit bumpy but the audio is fantastic. That's why I would recommend listening. If you are struggling remembering things in your everyday life, then this episode will be a true gem for you.




  • 1:41 - How Mattias and I randomly sat next to each other on a long-haul flight
  • 3:10 - Mattias explains his trick to remember two newspapers at the same time
  • 6:50 - Why reading somethings twice over doesn't work
  • 9:35 - What the term Biohacking means to Mattias
  • 16:40 - How Mattias uses the ketogenic diet to prepare for memory competitions
  • 21:11 - An explanation for the optimal way of thinking
  • 24:59 - A memorization technique to remember every page in a book
  • 30:34 - How experiences can help with learning
  • 34:03 - Learning math using visualization methods
  • 41:05 - How disturbances in your environment can help you train getting into the flow state
  • 46:03 - On "Ribbing's Bike", an easy-to-use method to remember 10 things within 10 minutes
  • 53:40 - What everybody should do
Nov 11, 2016

"Martin, lass einfach das Mikro anmachen. Das wird es schon aushalten!" Martin, unser botanisch versierter Ingenieur und Podcast Guy im Team schaut mich ein wenig skeptisch an. "Max, ich bin nicht sicher, ob das eine gute Idee ist." Nach ein paar Bekräftigungen, dass im schlimmsten Fall ich persönlich die Haftung trage, willigt Martin ein und wir nehmen unsere erste "Sauna Talks" Episode bei 90 Grad Celsius auf.

In einer finnischen Holzsauna im Flowgrade Headquarters sprechen Martin und ich über die nächsten Flowgrade Produkte, den Biohacker Summit in Helsinki, Wim Hof Atmung und wie du dein Gehirn flexibler machen kannst mit Neurofeedback und Binaural Beats. Viel Spaß und lasst uns unten in den Kommentaren wissen, was ihr von diesem "Sauna Talks"-Format haltet!

Sep 20, 2016

Todd White is the founder of Dry Farm Wines, a revolutionary wine company that specialized on sugar-free, additive-free, and lab-tested natural wines. Much more than that, Todd also is a truly original biohacker who practices daily meditation, Wim Hof breathing, cold thermogenesis, a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting and he is a fitness enthusiast. He is also a frequent speaker on the ketogenic lifestyle and just performed at the 2016 Bulletproof Biohacking Conference in Pasadena.

In this episode, Todd and I discuss how micro-dosing alcohol can benefit your health, what kinds of alcohol are better than others, and why wine needs to be selected very carefully due to undeclared additives. In the second half, Todd diggs into his ketogenic lifestyle, describes the tremendous advantages of intermittent fasting and why it is so important to become fat-adaptive. This episode is fully packed with tons of valuable information and we are super excited to present it to you! Enjoy the show!

Sep 16, 2016

Steve Maxwell is considered to be one of world’s best creative strength and conditioning coaches. He’s excelled in competitive grappling, holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and is also known together with Pavel Tatsouline as the inventor of modern Kettlebell training.

In this episode, Steve and I talk about the importance of body types for athletic activities, the most effective workout breathing technique and the importance of genetics. We also discuss his morning routine, how he uses gratitude to hack his mindset and how old his mentors need to be for him to listen. Make sure to check out his advice at the end of the episode, which we cannot be reminded of enough.

Sep 7, 2016

“So ein Atemabend kann einem schonmal ein bis zwei Jahre Psychotherapie ersparen.” - Klaus C. Ulbricht

Ein Schwall positiver Schwingungen empfing mich, als ich das erste Mal in Klaus’ und Vidya’s Wohnung trat. Es war angenehm hell, roch wohlig nach Räucherstäbchen und die etwa zehn anwesenden Personen strahlten und machten es sich in Schneidersitzen auf den herumliegenden Kissen bequem. Mein Kumpel Walther hatte mich zu einer Lichtatmung eingeladen und ich war schon ein bisschen aufgeregt, nachdem ich erfahren hatte, dass holotropes Atmen schon einer psychedelischen Erfahrung gleichkommt. Beim Lichtatmen wird eine Form von Hyperventilation genutzt, also schnelles, kräftiges Atmen, um sich während der Meditation in einen veränderten Geisteszustand zu versetzen. Die Sitzung war in der Tat beeindruckend.

Sep 2, 2016

“My most important task is to make a positive impact on others.” - Mark Verstegen


Mark Verstegen is the President and Founder of EXOS, a world leading company for upgrading health and performance for elite athletes, military and innovative companies with over 400 locations and more than 3400 people involved worldwide. He is also the Director of Performance for the NFL Players Association and has spearheaded the athletic training under Jürgen Klinsmann for the German National Soccer Team. He truly is a legend in the world of functional fitness and performance upgrading.

In this episode, Mark and I speak about his definition of a sustainable high performance life, his personal approach when he starts working with an athlete and Mark's favorite basketball team and his dinner experience with Kobe Bryant, the retired legend from the Los Angeles Lakers.


For shownotes and further information, go to

Aug 18, 2016

In diesem Beitrag vom Functional Training Summit 2016 in München spreche ich über die Kunst des Biohackings, wie es genau definiert wird und wie du sofort damit loslegen kannst. Ich präsentiere dir 10 Methoden (plus 3 Bonus Biohacks), die für mich funktionieren und mir dabei helfen, mich jeden Tag mit Energie, Fokus und Flow zu versorgen. Vielleicht kennst du die ein oder andere Methode schon aber ich bin mir sicher, einige werden komplett neu für dich sein. Besonders bei den Bonus-Hacks ging ein interessiertes Raunen durch das Publikum. Kannst du erraten, bei welchem?

Aug 4, 2016

In dieser besonderen Episode der Flowgrade Show sprechen Paul und ich über immer noch bestehende Ernährungsmythen, warum Jäger und Sammler gerade Zähne hatten, die Legende des Teepilzgetränks Kombucha und wie Paul selbst in den Flow gelangt. Zudem bekommt ihr ab Minute 23:00 eine Kostprobe der Rap-Künste des langjährigen Musikers.

Viel Spaß!

Jul 27, 2016

In this episode, demo and I dig into the different sleep phases, the importance of a biorhythm, and how you can influence your sleep quality with nutrition and supplementation. You will find out, how coffee and even cannabis substrates can help you get more out of your sleep. Make sure to check out Teemu’s take on lucid dreaming at minute 55:00. I am very excited to welcome you to our first full episodes on sleep since for me this still is the number one most important biohack.

Jul 21, 2016

Growing up on a farm in rural Finland before exploring the entire planet, Tero has been fascinated by nature’s effect on the human body his whole life. He co-founded his company Four Sigmatic (formerly Four Sigma Foods) in 2012 with several Finnish friends and ever since then, he’s converted tons of people to mushroom lovers (including Four-Hour Body author Tim Ferriss).

In this episode, Tero and I will go into the differences between the powerful adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms, how they work in the body and how they can help you get into the flow state. Make sure to check out the end of the episode where Tero shares his experience of a soundbath in the Californian countryside.

Jul 7, 2016

In der heutigen Episode der Flowgrade Show tauchen wir ein in die Welt der ketogenen Ernährung. Wir sprechen darüber was es bedeutet in der Ketose zu sein, wie der Körper adaptiert, welche Menge an Kohlenhydraten noch erlaubt sind und die ganzen Vorteile der ketogenen Diät. Wir haben viele Fragen geklärt und ich hoffe du kannst als Zuschauer oder Zuhörer einiges an Erfahrung dazugewinnen. Jetzt aber erst einmal viel Spaß mit dem Keto Guru aus München: Marina Lommel!

Jun 22, 2016

In this episode of the Flowgrade Show, Jamie Wheal takes us on a thought-provoking ride of the metaphysical elements of flow. We discuss the opportunities and risks that come with a life around altered states, the use of psychedelics like Ayahuasca and the concept of a hyperslap.

Jamie explains his inner drive to study transcendence, his quest for creating a new generation of flow seekers and what he hopes to achieve with the Flow Genome Project, a research program to crowdsource the flow state that he created with his co-founder Steven Kotler. This episode is a true philosophical journey that will leave anyone inspired who is interested in altered states of consciousness. Enjoy!

Jun 15, 2016

In another German episode of the Flowgrade Show, we are covering the topic sugar with the enchanting Nadine Hüttenrauch, a well-known German Food Coach who is using nutrition in order to help people become healthier, more productive, and happier.

I am sorry to all listeners without German language skills. Don’t worry, the next episode in English is already in the works and will be published soon. In the meantime, check out other episodes of the Flowgrade Show with leading experts such as Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey, fitness guru Ben Greenfield, 5-Minute Journal creator UJ Ramdas or meditation expert Emily Fletcher. In these episodes, you will hear these high achievers’ advice for how to upgrade your physical and mental skills and generate more flow moments in your life.

Enjoy and if you like what we do, make sure to check us out on, leave us a review on iTunes or just give us a shout on social media or at! We are looking forward to hearing from you :)

Max & your Flowgraders

Jun 5, 2016

"Visual memory is way more powerful than auditory memory.“ - Jonathan Levi

Did you ever dream of picking up a book, reading it in one sitting and then recall it in great detail at the next sophisticated dinner conversation? If yes, then you will enjoy listening to Jonathan Levi. The young entrepreneur does not have time to read anything twice with many simultaneous projects demanding his attention. Jonathan hosts the very successful Becoming Superhuman Podcast (LINK), develops cutting-edge online courses to accelerate learning and improve memory, and still aims to read one book per week while spending at least 72 hours per month outside in nature. The man has developed powerful methods to massively upgrade his learning and memorization skills because he doesn’t like to compromise when it comes to reaching his goals.

In this episode, Jonathan shares some easy methods to read faster, learn quicker, and memorize greater chunks of information. He talks about the importance of using our visual memory, why he prefers written text to audio books, and gives two methods that everyone can use right now to immediately start remembering the names of people at the next cocktail party. Enjoy and leave us a comment below!

May 2, 2016

“Trees are the best natural chemists.” - Jaakko Halmetoja

When Jaakko Halmetoja finds some spare time, the self-proclaimed herbalist often goes into the woods to find ingredients for one of his many tinctures. Over the years, he has acquired an impressive amount of knowledge on medicinal mushrooms, and other earth grown nutrients. Jakko aims to make the information more accessible with the Biohacker’s Handbook, an ambitious project by several Finnish researchers to offer actionable guidelines to your own biology.

Jaakko Halmetoja is a nutrition expert, author and professional speaker. Among his many fields of expertise are the benefits and unique uses of mushrooms including chaga mushroom and cordyceps, cacao, wild foods, various berries and medicinal herbs. He’s even hired a translator to understand some early Russian works about adaptogens and mushrooms. Equipped with the passion of a true entrepreneur, Jaakko also maintains a non-profit database for finding local springs around Finland and hosts weekly talk show called InspiRadio Podcast.

In this episode we dig into the workings of these powerful foods and how you can add them to your personal diet.

Apr 28, 2016

We all know how the feeling of not having accomplished what we set out to at the start of the day. Not a good feeling… quite the opposite. We even feel unproductive sometimes when we actually were productive. The reasons for this lie deep in our human psyche. We seem to be programmed to be unhappy. Good news though: There are methods to escape this negative thinking pattern.

After a wonderful Part 1 with UJ Ramdas on the art of gratitude, you will learn in Part 2 why we constantly feel unproductive and how we can change that. My guest UJ Ramdas is an expert in behavioral psychology, a trained hypnotist, author, and one of the creators of the Five-Minute Journal, a gratitude journal for the daily practice of thankfulness. Together with his co-founder Alex Ikonn, he recently published their second product, the Productivtiy Planner to help you overcome procrastination and follow through on all of your projects.

Enjoy another very special episode with UJ Ramdas and leave us your questions below! We hope you can put the advice to good use and become and feel more productive in your life.

Apr 21, 2016

Gratitude…is the counting of one’s blessings. - UJ RAMDAS

The occasional pauses make me ponder if UJ Ramdas, a trained hypnotist, uses a special hypnosis method to make me pay close attention. The man thinks before he talks and the topics he covers are of great interest to anyone aiming for a happier and healthier life. I was lucky to record two episodes with UJ. In this first one, you will learn how you can use the daily practice of being grateful to become happier, healthier, and more successful.

UJ Ramdas is an expert in behavioral psychology, a trained hypnotist, author, and one of the creators of the Five-Minute Journal, a gratitude journal for the daily practice of thankfulness. Together with his co-founder Alex Ikonn, he recently published their second product, the Productivtiy Planner to help you overcome procrastination and follow through on all of your projects.

I hope you will enjoy this episode as much as I did when I was recording it! Enjoy and please ask questions in the comments below.

Apr 12, 2016

“So they really froze their testicles?” I thought I misheard the last phrase from Pessi. “They did! This technique was well known among bodybuilders in the Soviet Union. They thought they could boost Testosterone that way.” Well, thankfully, there are other effective measure one can take nowadays.


Our guest for this episode of the Flowgrade Show is the Testosterone expert Pessi Peura. As some fantastic guests of past episodes of the Flowgrade Show (like Nelli Lähteenmäki, Teemu Arina and soon to be published Jaakko Halmetoja), Pessi is from Finland, the most active place of the European Biohacking scene. The young Pessi is an active personal trainer, speaker and published author of two health books. His latest book The Guide For Naturally Boosting Testosterone helps guys to reach optimal testosterone levels. The book was published in Finnish and will be translated to English later.

In this episode, Pessi and I discuss the importance of Testosterone, the reasons and symptoms of a deficiency. At the end of the episode, Pessi shares his preferred methods for naturally raising Testosterone.

Mar 17, 2016

In this episode, Ben Greenfield shares his idea of an optimal diet for a professional bodybuilder and how to raise your testosterone level naturally.

Ever wondered how a professional bodybuilder eats and what supplements he uses? Then this episode is for you. We convinced decorated fitness coach Ben Greenfield to share some of his secrets.

Ben Greenfield is an ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete, Spartan racer, coach, speaker and author of the New York Times Bestseller “Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health and Life”. In 2008, Ben was voted as NSCA’s Personal Trainer of the year and in 2013 and 2014 was named by Greatist as one of the top 100 Most Influential People In Health And Fitness.


Do you have questions for Ben? Who do you want to have on our next shows? Leave your comment and enjoy the show!

Jan 15, 2016

"The more comfortable you are with yourself, the easier it is to be healthy.” – Nelli Lähteenmäki

Nelli Lähteenmäki (@nellieliina) is co-founder of the super successful YOU-App with Jamie Oliver, co-author of the recently published Book of You and one of my favorite people in this world. With her outgoing personality and irresistible charme, this Silicon Valley entrepreneur does not really fulfill the Finnish stereotype of being introverted and quiet. Nelli spreads positive vibes and happiness around her and with her big smile, quick wit, and constant use of her favorites words “brilliant” and “awesome”, she can brighten up a whole conference hall.

I first met Nelli at the European Quantified Self Conference a couple of years ago and we instantly had a great connection. We kept in touch ever since and I am regularly asking for her valuable advice with all of my projects. Nelli’s quest to make the world a healthier and happier place is being reflected in all of her work, especially the highly successful YOU-App, which she started with her co-founders Aleksi Hoffman and Nora Rosendahl, as well as celebrity chef Jamie Oliver as brand icon.

In this episode, Nelli and I talk about the power of micro-actions for self-affirmation and feeling good about yourself. We dig into the research about habit change and what it takes for you to make lasting changes and create a path to a more fulfilled, happier, and healthier you. Enjoy!

Find more details and links here. Download and subscribe to the Flowgrade Show for more insightful conversations with top performers about their strategies for a happy and healthy life.




  • Nelli's path to being a health hacking entrepreneur (3:30)
  • The importance of habits (7:15)
  • The impact of diet choices on our wellbeing (10:15)
  • Behavior change using micro-actions (12:00)
  • Working together with star chef Jamie Oliver (14:30)
  • How YOU-App can make you happier (17:45)
  • Performing a live 2-minute micro-workout (21:00)
  • Why people fail at behavior change (24:00)
  • The process of self-affirmation (26:45)
  • Developing new skills and habits (29:00)
  • Why Anonymous Alcoholics groups work (30:15)
  • What advice would Nelli give her younger self (41:00)
  • Strategies to get out of the funk and guilty pleasures (44:00)
  • Nelli's idol (46:15)
  • The Book of YOU (52:15)


This episode is brought to you by Flowgrade, your online source for products, tools, and guides to make you superhuman. Check out our brand-new site and start flowgrading your body and mind!


If you like what we do, leave us a review on iTunes. This helps us out tremendously! :)

Jan 13, 2016
Andy Hnilo (@andyhnilo) has a fascinating story. The tall blonde Californian was pursuing a promising acting and modelling career when he was run over by not one, but two SUVs in Los Angeles. With several facial fractures, it would have been easy to predict an end to Andy’s career. But the former professional athlete did not quit. He used the opportunity to research the most advanced skin treatment options and created his own line of skincare products under his brand Alitura.
Healthy and glowing skin helps to build self-confidence, improves your chances with potential partners and even provides more career opportunities. Especially when your appearance is a major element of the job. Professional actor, model and skincare entrepreneur Andy Hnilo tells us about his secrets for awesome skin.
In this episode, Andy shares his secrets for beautiful, radiant skin that and even gives a recipe for getting rid of the annoying pimple within 24 hours. Enjoy!
*Order your Alitura Clay Mask today on and receive 10 % with the code CLAY4ME 
  • Andy’s accident (2:00)
  • On sensitive skin and effective skin care products (7:00)
  • The power of a clay mask (9:10)
  • Attributes of different kinds of clay (12:15)
  • The benefits of having great skin (19:45)
  • How to deal with ingrown hairs (22:00)
  • On nutrition on the skin (25:00)
  • Effects of sauna on skin (32:30)
  • Effective and super-fast pimple treatment (35:30)
  • Getting into the Flow State (38:30)
  • On acting and being passionate about what you do (44:30)
  • "Great skin makes you treat other people better."
  • "Clay pulls out a lot of impurities."
  • "Bad Diet is a huge culprit for bad skin."
  • "I started my first betonite clay mask 14 years ago."
  • "Find a good cleanser that works with your skin."
  • "Steaming before putting on the mask helps opening up the pores."
  • "Stay away from heavily fragranced moisturizers with lots of ingredients.“
  • "Wheat flour and sugar can cause skin inflammation."
  • "Vitamins A, C, and K are huge. And Vitamin D3 to escort those."
  • "A pimple is an infection and the betonite clay just eats it up."
 Thanks for listening! Which guest do you want to have on the show? Leave us a comment! :)